Dojo Fee: € 100,00 yearly (january 1st to december 31st) has to be paid after receiving invoice. Lifetime-membership (only once) € 25,00 incl. Syllabus/Badge/Passport.
Each year you have to pay a fee for validation of your budopassport as a member of Associated International Kyokushin Organisation. The costs of this validation is € 10,– each calendar year. A calendar year is from january 1st until december 31th.
The branch chief has the responsibility to collect the fee and therefor makes one payment to the Associated International Kyokushin Organisation and sending us a list with the names of the budo pass holders.
Dojo will be listed as KYOKUSHIN AIKO member Branch chief/country representative titles will be appointed by KYOKUSHIN AIKO Board. The Black belts will be listed in the KYOKUSHIN AIKO as provisional grades. The Board will decide when this grade will be awarded to an KYOKUSHIN AIKO grade.
• Send this application form. • KYOKUSHIN AIKO will give response on your application • After excepting Dojo/instructors KYOKUSHIN AIKO will provide technical information. • Dojos will receive rules and regulations.
Any Questions
When you still have questions, you can contact us by mail: info@kyokushinaiko.com.