

Gisteren 15 september 2024, 3e seminar training van de Kyokushinaiko gehad, enkele ontbraken i.v.m. ziekte, paar nieuwe mensen erbij. Sensei Murat Onen en sempai Nick bedankt voor de koffie, drankjes, koek en beschikbaar stellen van de dojo. Er is getraind op kihon, kata en natuurlijk kumite.

Zondag 24 november 2024 is de volgende Open kyokushinkai seminar te Buinen, Molenstraat 2b. (ingang voetbalvereniging Buinen).

Er is ook een minuut stilte in acht genomen i.v.m. het overlijden van shihan Jan Norder.

De sfeer was ontspannen, gezellig en leerzaam. Het was voor diegene die uit het noorden kwamen een lange dag maar volgende keer is het andersom 😊

Bedankt lieve mensen voor alle felicitaties in woord, geschrift, video, persoonlijk en de cadeaus. Bedankt aan iedereen die heeft meegewerkt op welke wijze dan aan dit plan .

Totale verrassing voor mij, het was een topdag.

Bedankt Shihan Marc de Roodt van dojo Kihon om in dit in zijn kamp te faciliteren.

Velen gillen over samenwerking maar wij deden het, kyokushinkai en ashihara karate.

Thanks nice people for all the congratulations in word, writing, video or personal and for the gifts/presents.

Thanks to every one who has participate in this plan. It was a total surprise for me and I have had a very special day.

Thanks for Shihan Marc de Roodt who made it possible to do this in his summercamp.

Many people are sayin that the cooperatie but we did it, Kyokushinkai and Ashihara karate



Wanneer:            Zondag 15 september 2024

Waar :                 Bikolaan 113,

2622 EE Delft

Tijd:                     12.00 uur tot 15.00 uur.

Wat:                     Kihon, KATA, KUMITE (protectie spullen mee).

Wie:                     16 jaar en ouder, 4e kyu en hoger.

Open dus alle organisaties welkom.

Bijdrage:             leden Kyokushinaiko kosteloos op vertoon van Budopas, niet leden € 10,– p.p.

Opgave:              uiterlijk 8 september 2024 via

Betaling:             uiterlijk 8 september via overschrijving

NL11 INGB 0105 7469 91 t.n.v.

Associated International Kyokushin

o.v.v. 15 september 2024 + naam

Delen is aardig, meedoen is beter.

Geen kijkers of fotografen, geen huisdieren,  alleen mee doeners.


Hanshi Nico Gordeau

June 9th 2024 Open Kyokushinkai Seminar in Holland Buinen.

It was good to see that E. Hoeksma and H. van Tol as kyokushinkai karateka where present at this event.

Also we had exam for 1e kyu by Roy Beukenkamp and Jan Hartstra they both succeed.

Jeffrey Molanus passed for 5e kyu and Wilt Norder for 6e kyu. It was a good exam.

Next event will be taken place at Delft (Holland) at september 15th 2024 Open for all organisations.

Subscribe by sending an email to Before september 7th.

Members of Kyokushinaiko are free to participate not members will pay a € 10 fee.

Zamanullah Habibi wins 3rd place Swiss Open 2024, thanks to sempai Darius Roohi and Sensei Maximilian Gusset for training him to this result. Keep up the good work. osu

Associated International Kyokushin Organisation (AIKO) welcomes dojo Kai Sei with dojo holder sensei Alex Janssen in the city of Zoetermeer who has joined our organisation. We look forward to a fruithfull cooperation to help growing the Kyokushin Aiko. The lessons will be given in Kyokushinkai Karate bij Sempai Ben Betgen from dojo Yukimura.

Associated International Kyokushin Organisation (AIKO) welcomes Ali Ghorbani from Iran as dojo holder and representative for Iran. We look forward to a fruithfull cooporation to help growing the Kyokushin Aiko.

Welcome to the website  of the KYOKUSHIN AIKO (Associated International KYOKUSHIN Organisation).


Wanneer:                 Zondag 9 juni 2024

Waar :                      Molenstraat 2b, (voetbalclub Buinen) Buinen

                                Parkeren op parkeerterrein.

Tijd:                         12.00 uur tot 15.00 uur.

Wat:                         Kihon, KATA, KUMITE (protectie spullen mee).

Wie:                         16 jaar en ouder, 4e kyu en hoger.

                                Open dus alle organisaties welkom.

Bijdrage:                  leden Kyokushinaiko gratis, niet leden € 10,– p.p.

Opgave:                   uiterlijk 2 juni 2024 via

Betaling:                  via overschrijving NL11 INGB 0105 7469 91 t.n.v.     Associated International Kyokushin

                                o.v.v. 9 juni 2024 + naam

Delen is aardig, meedoen is beter.

Geen fotografen, huisdieren alleen mee doeners.


Hanshi Nico Gordeau

Afgelopen zondag weer open kyokushinkai karate zwart banden training gedaan. Volgende training zal gepland staan op 9 juni a.s. Verdere informatie volgt z.s.m. Aanwezig waren: van links naar rechts: Hanshi Nico Gordeau, sensei Aslan Saraç, sensei Murat Onen, sensei Erwin de Pauw, sempai Helmuth Gepken, sempai Nick Barelds en sensei Sylvia van der Bijl. Door ziekte ontbraken diverse personen. Beterschap gewenst en tot de volgende training.

Last Sunday we have had the Open Kyokushinkai black belt karate training. Next training will be on June 9th 2024 Further information will follow. there were some sick people and whishing them well for next training.

Open zwarte band training,Kihon,Kata,Kumite 12.00- 15.00.Kerkplein 18, Zeewolde ,zondag 3 maart 2024. Bijdrage 10,00 voor niet leden. Opgave uiterlijk 29 februari 2024.

We welcome our new black belt Ben Betgen and school Dojo Yukimura the The Hague for joining our organisation.


October 29th 2023 was the anual (4th) black belt training in the dojo of Sensei Murat Onen in Delft. It was a relaxed, pleasant and full filling training with Kihon, kata and Kumite. Visser family thanks for the fruit. Nice to have sensei Silvia van der Bijl, Jimmy Schotborg and Erwin de Pauw joining us. Training is open for all black belts regardless organisation. So see you hopefully next time in 2024.


Osu, sunday September 24th 2023 was the 3rd quarter black belt training of this year. This time in dojo Zuidlaren. We trained kihon, kata, ippon kumite, kyokushin kumite and several rounds of sparring. Good athmosphere and hard working and learning from each other. Some people did not attend but hope to see them next time in Delft in the dojo of sensei Murat Onen.

OSU,  last week there was a karate/fight camp in Targu Neamt in Romania. This was very well organised by Sensei Cristi Luculescu and his team from Ashihara AIKO Romania. I was present for kyokushinkai karate and my organisation Kyokushinaiko ( The head of Ashihara Hanshi Dave Jonkers and Shihan Marcel v.d. Berg and Sempai Yuri ten Kaaten for kickboxing and for Tsu Shin Gen ,Shihan Lars Utter, Raul Rucarean and Jacob Beltowski  where present. Several martial arts where there to exchange their knowledge and working together.  Very good athmosphere and hard working and also pleasure in the training as i feel and see. For the first time Switserland was represented in Romania buy Sensei Max Gusset. From Kyokushinkai karate Piatra Neamt ,Sensei Adrian Cotofan with his team took also part. A Referee seminar was also done and ofcourse some people did their exam. Hope to see everybody next year and bring your karate friends with you.

Osu Hanshi Nico Gordeau



Last weekend sempai Helmuth Gepken en sempai Darius Roohi have done exam for 2e Dan Kyokushin karate. This exam was held in the camp of shihan Marc de Roodt. It was pleasent to see that various organisations can work together as it should be. Congratulations to every student who has passed the exam en hope to see you next year.

Once a year in June there is a possibility to do exam for kyokushinkai Kyu degree. Last night people obtain their next level. Jesse Meijer and Wilt Norder 7th Kyu. Jan Hartstra and Roy Beukenkamp 2nd Kyu. Good work 💪🥋👍

Successful gradings last night: all have passed their gradings. Level up! 💪🥋

The Seishin Cup

The Seishin Cup last Saturday June 3, 2023 in Winterthur, Switzerland can definitely be considered a success. Levi got the 2nd place and Luki the 3rd place. Although it was not a full contact tournament, both were able to implement the adjustments and have shown a great performance. Both have now several fights in their backpack which are a good basis for the next fall and winter.

We thank the Kyokushinkai Karate Club Winterthur for the great organization. Osu!

Black belt training

Sunday May 28th 2023 we have had the 3rd quarter black belt training with sensei Murat Onen. Some people were absent but I hope they will join next time. It was a pleasant and educational meeting.

End of September there will be the next training in Zuidlaren. Date will follow a.s.a.p. But first we will train to the black belt examn up to 3th Dan which will be held on Saturday the 1st of july in Zuidlaren. The kumite part will be held at the camp of Shihan Marc de Roodt on sunday 2nd of july

Pleasant surprise

I was pleasantly surprised by Shihan Tommy Odaika with a painting he made himself of my guitarhero Rory Gallagher. I am very pleased with it.

Also we have had a nice conversation about the meaning of karate with each other sitting in the sunshine.

Hope to see you in Romenia in september 2023.

Hanshi Nico Gordeau

The hanshi at dojo Sakura

Hanshi Nico Gordeau gave two seminars at dojo Sakura at Zoetermeer of sensei Raimond Honig.

Here below an impression of that evening.  Kyokushinaiko wants  to thank sensei Raimond for his hospitallity and presents.

Hope to do this again very soon.

I thank the students for being there and their effort.

Successful gradings:

While Levi advanced to 9.Kyu, Daniel and Josip passed both the 10.Kyu. Now onward to the next one this summer with you, Osu!

Sensei Max

Day of the youth and beginners

Yesterday April 15th 2023 was the 28th episode of “Day of the youth and beginners” held in Zoetermeer and organised by Shihan Antonio da Graca. It was a superb organised tournament by his staf and all the volunteers. Jesse Meijer participated in a field of 300 fighters and took home the first place. So he became the Champion.

Hopefully till the next tournament very soon.

First semester training

Last saturday March 4th 2023 we have had the first semester training for black belts and former champions. Sensei Murat Onen, hanshi Nico Gordeau, sensei Alan Sarac, sempai Helmut Gepken en sempai Berry Visser. Sensei Faroek Idu did not want his picture taken 🙂 . Some black belts did not participate but we hope to see them on the second semester training in Mai 2023. All exam demands were trained. The atmosphere was pleasent as usual and I hope that every body has learned something again.

Zurich Switzerland

8th and 9th of December 2022 I was invited to come to Zurich Switzerland to held the exams for the students of sensei Maximilian Gusset. The students succeeded to get there new grades and did an excellent job.

It was good to see that sensei Maximilian Gusset and sempai Darius took the Kyokushin karate to a higher level which is the purpose of our cooperation.

Thanks for the invitation and taking care of me. Looking forward to the next event in Zurich.

Kyokushin matters

Today 26th of November there was a special event which took place at the dojo of Kamakura Delft, Hanshi Nico Gordeau, sensei Aslan Sarac and sensei Cor Haan participated in a special kata training.

From Taikiyoku sono ichi up till all kata’s regarding the 3rd dan where practiced . The base for these kata’s were the techniques and the substantive treatments.

Osu, in a short moment of time we will repeat these kata’s and the kata’s for the highter gradings (higher than 3rd Dan). It was a pleasure and old-fashioned cosy to work with people for which only Kyokushin matters and it does not matter from with organisation or which bond you are related to. We are looking forward to work in the future with all other organisations.

From 15.11.2022 Roy Beukenkamp and Jan Hartstra are promoted to 3th Kyu. Congratulations and keep on working to you next grade.

Hanshi Nico Gordeau

See below the podcast of me and dr./sensei Peter Goldman.


During my visit to Romania from 6th up to 13th september 2022, for the 4th Romanian Ashihara Karate camp was organised by Sensei Cristi Luculescu and his wonderfull team also Sensei Adrian Cotofan visit this camp like he did for many years.

I was pleased to see and talk to Sensei Adrian Cotofan and his team at this event and looking forward to continue our long-term karate cooperation.

September 1, 2022.

Hereby we are proud to anounce that Sensei Murat Önen and his students has decided to join our organisation.

The Dojo is situated in Delft Holland and it’s owner is Sensei Murat Önen 4th Dan.

We welcome Sensei Önen and his students and looking forward to a positive future in cooperation with each other.

Sensei Önen is skillful and his speciality is Kata.

He and his students are an addition to our organisation.

Hanshi Nico and Sensei Önen known each other for many many years and I was pleased that he announced to join our organisation and work together as we used to do.

from left to right, Sempai Kees Visser, Hanshi Nico Gordeau and Sensei Murat Önen after training in Zuidlaren at Hanshi Dave Jonkers dojo.

Kyokushin Aiko is proud to present a new 3th Dan.

Maximilian Gusset from Switzerland has proofed to be his 3th Dan worthy.

Also there has been examns in Zuidlaren.

Bjorn de Hoop and Jeffry Molanus has passed for the 6th kyu and Jesse Meijer passed for 8th kyu.

Switzerland also got a new 8th kyu member. His name is Lukas Uhlir and we congratulate him with this 8th kyu. Up to 7th and more.

I am pleased to inform you that we have passed the number of 500 members of Associated International Kyokushin Organisation  AIKO) on our Facebook group.

Hope to grow to a 1000 members. I whish to thank any of you who participates in this group.

I’ll hope that the amount of schools which have joined AIKO and will join also will grow.

As covid19 had passed it is also possible again to travel, the plan is to travel to Hungary and Romania, and other countries who invite me,  comming summer.

It is also possible to be a lifetime member of kyokushinaiko.


Hanshi Nico Gordeau


Another training session at dojo Okinawa from sempai Almer van der Leeden in the Hague on April 10th 2022. Blackbelt training in preparation for the next level. Good athmosphere and training With Hanshi Nico Gordeau, sensi Aslan Saraç, sempai Maximilian Gusset and sempai Almer van der Leeden ( Al Uchi Dechi).


Yesterday January 30th 2022 Sensei Aslan Sarac is promoted to 4th Dan Kyokushin Karate. Sensei Aslan was a multi Dutch, European and World Champion and has always been a big example and big value for my dojo Kamakura and is member of the Associated International Kyokushin Organisation (AIKO). He has been 3th Dan for 15 years so this degree is well earned.

before he did not know anything.
happy face
with senpai Maximilian Gusset, sensei Aslan Sarac, senpai Almer van der Leeden and Hanshi Nico Gordeau.


Dear members and karatefriends, another year has passed with a lot of difficulties according Covid 19.

I wish you and all your loved ones all the best and good health for 2022.

Hope to see you this comming year .

Thanks for your support this year and hope we will grow out to an bigger organisation.


200 Best Happy New Year Wishes, Messages, & Quotes for 2022

today new members of Associated International Kyokushin Organisation took there first exam for this organisation. They did these exam parallel with Ashihara International Karate Organisation of Hanshi Dave Jonkers.

Roy Beukenkamp  4e kyu
Jan Hartstra  4e kyu
Bjorn de Hoop 7e kyu
Jeffrey Molanus 7e kyu
Jesse Meijer 9e kyu.
next examn will take place in june 2022.

Kan een afbeelding zijn van 7 mensen, staande mensen, binnen en tekst

Hanshi Nico Gordeau welcomes new kuygrade members of Associated International Kyokushin Organisation (AIKO) of 2021. Examens have been held in Switserland at dojo of Sempai Maximillian Gusset.


Hadrien Bostavaron, France, 8.Kyu
Michel Murbach, Switzerland, 9.Kyu

Aladin Fahmy, Switzerland, 10 and 9.Kyu

This KYOKUSHIN branch is founded by Hanshi Nico Gordeau in close cooperation with Shihan Dave Jonkers of the Ashihara group.

The meaning of this cooperation is to establish an autonomous branch which behold a close cooperation with the Ashihara group.

We have chosen to participate with Ashihare to show that 2 styles of karate, which are close related can work close together but keep their own identity.

The meaning of this is to put the karatesport allround in the world instead of 1 style. This can only be done when there is a close cooperation between the styles of karate.

Shihan Dave Jonkers and Hanshi Nico Gordeau are already working together for many years to promote the karatesport.